
Aminuddin: Order to cancel KeADILan National Congress shows fear

SEREMBAN: The National Security Council’s last-minute instruction to KeADILan to postpone its national congress shows that the federal government is afraid of its own shadows, said Negeri Sembilan KeADILan Chief, YAB Dato’ Seri Aminuddin Harun.

Aminuddin, who is also Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar, said the party would however take heed of the National Security Council (NSC) instruction although the meetings of the party’s women wing and youth wing had been held virtually.

“We take note of the NSC’s decision and instruction for us to postpone our annual congress at the last minute although a prior approval had been given (by the NSC); and this despite our women and youth wings have already held their respective meetings.

“The KeADILan national congress, which was to be held online, was a sign of healthy democratic principles, and had adhered fully with all standard operating procedures issued by the NSC.

“The instruction to cancel it only shows (the federal government’s) confused thinking and fears of its own shadows.

“Whatever it is, the Negeri Sembilan KeADILan and its grassroots are always committed to the principles of democracy, to fight for justice and to carry the people’s aspirations under the leadership of YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim,” said Aminuddin.

Remain united

He also urged all KeADILan members, especially those in Negeri Sembilan, to remain united behind the party president in fighting for the people’s rights and strengthen the party’s struggle.

The KeADILan National Congress, which was to have taken place on Sunday (June 6), had to be postponed following the NSC instruction for it to be pushed to another date on the grounds that it was not essential while the nation was under a total lockdown.

Congress Director, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said KeADILan received a letter from the NSC at 6.21pm on Saturday (June 5), and was also informed verbally by the Registrar of Societies (RoS) on the postponement.

Previously, the NSC had approved the congress being held virtually through a letter dated May 27, 2021.

The KeADILan National Congress started on Friday (June 4) with the party’s women wing holding its first fully virtual meeting. Its youth wing held its virtual congress on Saturday.

The national congress was to have had about 2,400 PKR delegates and leaders nationwide participating through the Zoom application from their homes.



Photo: Nabil Syafiq

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